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  1. Mail from the users

    „Dear Mr. Jakob Our group was the Fly Mobility AG. One of the biggest reasons why we did so good was that we spent a lot of time in preparing with the demo version. We had a look at the projects and what influence they have on the KPIs. We also looked at the examples you have on your site.
    We liked that we had different strategies to choose. For example the market strategy and the product development strategy.
    It was nice to see our efforts bear fruit, the comparision between the groups was really interesting.
    We see potential to improve the simulation in having a discussion inbetween each year of simulation. Maybe that would help to fix problems before they get worse. Some of the groups are faster and some are slower, so a pause to catch up would make sense.
    Of course we know that having this course over the internet is not the normal procedure, it went smoothly anyway, but doing the simulation together in a group is more convenient.
    If we would do the simulation again, we would be intrested in trying an other strategy and also to include the stock market.
    Thank you for your efforts!
    Jerry van de Bunt"